Tuesday, August 11, 2009

I'M BACK!!! (and offensive as ever)

I felt awesome! I was back to being me again!

Today at lunch, I went with a friend from work and we picked up her friend, who I'd met once before. Very attractive and cool.

We're sitting at lunch and the friend said her first child had medical problems that doctors couldn't diagnose for months. She said he cried for four months non-stop. I asked what was wrong. She said he had gallstones. Hmmmm...I asked what caused them? She answered that it was her breast milk. I immediately responded, "It'd be worth the risk."

They fell out. I'm back in the saddle again. Inappropriate and offensive. YES!

And she didn't hit me.

1 comment:

  1. If she was from Cleveland, she probably thought it was a compliment. ROFLMAO
